Thursday, August 9, 2012

Moving Forward

My husband had a huge stereo when we got married.  You know, the one that sat in the big black cabinet, it had the glass door that you would push to open and close.  (I always liked that clicking noise it would make when it attached to the magnet)  It was the size of a bookcase.  Well, that stereo had a disc changer that would hold about 300+ CDs.  Music of all genres including holiday albums.  

The days of listening to music CDs is long gone.  An iPod and a docking station has taken the place of those 300+ CDs that is tucked away in a cabinet in our garage.

I've decided to update the way I deliver digital negatives.  In the past I have transferred/burned digital negatives on a CD for my clients.  I'm excited to share with you the newest trend to receiving digital images via Marcia Todd Photography.  USB flash drives, a custom branded USB flash drive.   Here's a peek at what Marcia Todd Photography clients get when digital negatives are purchased...

Cute huh?  They are so cool - they fit in the palm of your hand.  Just a simple twist exposes & conceals the USB connector so you don't have a lid to keep up with.  They also have a little key ring that allows you to put on a set of keys.  You could wear it like a pendant on a necklace.....that's what I've been doing.  **crickets**

I love them and I have a feeling that my clients will too!! 

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool!! I can't wait to schedule my family pictures with you in the fall and get one:)
    -Amanda Tyler

